About Us
Brazenhead Review is a literary magazine of new writing that seeks to emphasize substance over clout. As a response to our social media-saturated age, we hope to provide readers the chance to focus on what they read rather than who they read. We read our submissions blind and offer you the same opportunity.
The review was originally conceived at Brazenhead Books, a speakeasy bookshop in New York City, under the mentorship of its late owner, bookseller, and dear friend, Michael Seidenberg. The first issue appeared in a limited edition print-run in July 2015 to mark the closing of the first iteration of the iconic bookshop and its literary salon.
Anyone and everyone was welcome at Brazenhead Books and Michael was well-known for encouraging open dialogues on myriad topics. The review continues in this tradition, in his honor, to channel open-minded, good-humored, and anti-oppressive ways of communicating.
Brazenhead Review is interested in all forms of literature, especially those texts that defy easy definition.
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